Thursday, May 8, 2014

New Nook Titles

Barr Library has added 45 new titles to it's Nook Lending collection!  The new titles include:

H.P. Lovecraft: The Complete Collection - Lovecraft, H.P.

To Sail a Darking Sea - Ringo, John

Under a Graveyard Sky - Ringo, John

Killing Kennedy - O'Reilly, Bill

Killing Jesus - O'Reilly, Bill

Your Guide to the New GED Test

Chopped Cookbook

Lean In for Graduates - Sandberg, Sheryl

Cat in the Hat Read & Listen - Dr. Seuss

Green Eggs and Ham Read & Listen - Dr. Seuss

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish Read & Listen - Dr. Seuss

Jim Cramer's Get Rich Carefully - Cramer, Jim

David and Goliath - Gladwell, Malcolm

Things That Matter - Krauthammer, Charles

Who Moved My Cheese - Johnson, Spencer

The Richest Man in Babylon - Clason, George S.

The Collected Autobiographies - Angelou, Maya

The Complete Collected Poems - Angelou, Maya

The Mary B. Morrison Bundle - Morrison, Mary B.

Drive Me Crazy - Dickey, Eric Jerome

Pleasure - Dickey, Eric Jerome

Big Girls Do Cry - Weber, Carl

The Choir Director - Weber, Carl

The Zane Collection #1 - Zane

Only Time Will Tell (Clifton Chronicles 1) - Archer, Jeffrey

Sins of the Father (Clifton Chronicles 2) - Archer, Jeffrey

Best Kept Secret (Clifton Chronicles 3) - Archer, Jeffrey

Be Careful What You wish for (Clifton Chronicles 4) - Archer, Jeffrey

Smart Money, Smart Kids - Ramsey, Dave

Total Money Makeover - Ramsey, Dave

Fall of Giants (Century Trilogy 1) - Follett, Ken

Winter of the World (Century Trilogy 2) - Follett, Ken

Torah - Teachings

Ketuvim - Writings

Neviim - Prophets

The Holy Qur'an (The Koran)

Tell No Lies - Hurwitz, Gregg

Last to Die - Gerritsen, Tess

Surgeon - Gerritsen, Tess

The Collected Poetry of Nikki Giovanni 1968-1998 - Giovanni, Nikki

Giant Book of Poetry - Roetzheim, William, ed.

Great American Short Stories - Negri, Paul, ed.

There's No Place Like Oz - Paige, Danielle

Crazy On You - Gibson, Rachel

Blue By You - Gibson, Rachel

Click here to see Nook availability.

Monday, May 5, 2014

#1 New York Times Bestselling Author Brad Thor to Appear in July

#1 New York Times bestselling author Brad Thor discusses and signs his political thriller Act of War Wednesday, July 23, 2014.  Thor's work, published in 30 countries, has been lauded by Suspense Magazine, the International Thriller Writers Association and NPR, with critics calling him “the master of thrillers,” “as current as tomorrow’s headlines” and “quite possibly the next coming of Robert Ludlum.”

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Military Spouse Appreciation Day

Barr Library will honor Military Spouse Appreciation Day on May 9 by giving away tote bags to all military spouses who present a valid ID.

Open the LibraryBox Today!

The Barr LibraryBox is now live in locations all over Fort Knox:
  • Anderson Aquatics Center
  • Auto Crafts
  • Exchange Mini-Mall
  • HRC Café
  • SFAC
  • One Stop
  • Exchange Food Court
  • Smith Physical Fitness Center
  • Houston Bowling Center
  • Education Center
  • Fort Knox Water Park
  • Starbucks at Wilson Road 
To access the free eBooks, audiobooks, movies, and unique coupons follow these steps:
  1. Enable wireless on your personal electronic device
  2. Connect to the Barr LibraryBox Wi-Fi network
  3. Open your browser and type
  4. You're connected.
Read more about the LibraryBox.