Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Living History at Your Library: Abraham Lincoln

Watch history come alive tomorrow evening at 6 PM!

Born on a farm in what is now Larue County, Kentucky, Abraham Lincoln spent his early years in the Commonwealth. His family moved to Indiana when he was 7. With his brilliance and burning political ambition carried him to the presidency and to greatness, Lincoln always maintained connections with his native state.

Free and open to the public.

Presented by Kentucky Chautauqua.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Programs until the end of the year

Think we're done with big programs after Fantober? Think again!

In addition to our regular programs, we have plans for the rest of November and December. Check out our website for more information on the individual programs, but here are some of what lies ahead:

November stars a most beloved president on Thursday, November 21 at 6 PM. Come watch Abraham Lincoln talk about his connections to the state of Kentucky that endured throughout his life. We're also starting our Journey to Jedi reading program the week of Thanksgiving.

In December, we are of course celebrating Star Wars in the lead up to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. What else could you expect from the library that brings you Star Wars Reads Day annually? But keep an eye on this space for something big unrelated to Star Wars.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Army Fantober!

Army Fantober has begun!

Throughout the month of October, almost 20 installations across the world will be offering pop culture themed programs reflecting their communities' interests. It all started when the Fort Knox and Fort Bliss libraries began brainstorming on how to offer a comic-con across multiple installations simultaneously. Fantober is a month of pop culture because a day is not enough for our Soldiers, Families, and the extended military community.

Here at Barr Library, we have partnered with other on and off post entities to offer over 30 different experiences from just as many fandoms. We have programs for fans of superheroes, Harry Potter, classic and modern literature, cooking shows, and so much more.

Check out the Knox Life magazine to find out about what's going on through the month on post!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Youth spaces renovation at Barr Library

If you've walked in through our doors this week, you probably noticed our current renovation project.

Area 51 is no more. The comic book entryway has been removed. New paint is already brightening the space. The carpet will be replaced shortly. We'll be adding a new entryway within the next few weeks.

After the new Teen Corner is finished, we'll start on the Reading Rainforest. Big changes will be coming there, too! A complete refit of the space means new paint, new carpet, and a new theme.

We hope you'll enjoy our redesigned youth spaces as much as we will!