Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Authors @ Your Library

Ron Elliott
Thursday, February 28, 6PM
Author and historian Ron Elliott turns his attention the local area in his new book American El Dorado, which tells the story of Hardin County native Philip Arnold, who turned the Gold Rush to his benefit in 1872, successfully swindling people out of nearly $500,000 with an elaborate hoax.

Jeffrey & Jeanne Suchanek
Thursday, March 28, 6PM
Join the authors for a special Women’s History Month author program. They will discuss his book Star-Spangled Hearts: American Women Veterans of World War II, which is a collection of oral histories of women who served in various capacities during World War II.

Thursday, April 11, 6PMLocal TV personality Barry Bernson discusses his Bernson's Corner: A Reporter's Notebook, which recounts his 47 years in broadcast journalism.

May, 9, 6 PM
Tanya Biank, the nationally known author of Army Wives: The Unwritten Code of Military Marriage, visits Fort Knox as part of Spouse Appreciation Month. Her newest book, Undaunted: The Real Story of America's Servicewomen in Today's Military, will be published February, 2013. Her work is acclaimed by Army spouses for its realistic, unflinching, and inspiring look at being a member of a military family. In addition to her work drawing critical acclaim of major national newspapers, Booklist, and Publishers' Weekly, Army Wives was adapted into the long-running television series broadcast by the Lifetime network.
May 18, 3PM
Nathaniel Philbrick visits on Armed Forces Day, Saturday, May 18, 3 PM. He's a National Book Award winner and the author of the New York Times bestsellers In The Heart of the Sea, Mayflower and The Last Stand. He will discusses and sign Bunker Hill, which tells the tale of the Boston battle that touched off the American Revolution.
In addition to Philbrick’s National Book Award for In The Heart of the Sea, Mayflower was recognized as a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in history.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Early Closure March 4, 2013

Due to water main maintenance, Barr Memorial Library will be closed from 12:00pm to 7:30pm Monday, March 4.  We apologize for any inconvenience.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

New York Times Bestselling Author Nathaniel Philbrick to Visit in May

Remember when we promised you our best year Authors at Your Library to date? Here's another reason it will be: Nathaniel Philbrick visits on Armed Forces Day, Saturday, May 18, 3 PM. He's a National Book Award winner and the author of the New York Times bestsellers In The Heart of the Sea, Mayflower and The Last Stand. He will discusses and sign Bunker Hill, which tells the tale of the Boston battle that touched off the American Revolution.

In addition to Philbrick’s National Book Award for In The Heart of the Sea, Mayflower was recognized as a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in history.