Monday, August 13 @ 11 AM
Little makers are invited to explore the MakerSpace with age-appropriate activities and toys. From birth to five years.
Open Mic & Poetry Jam
Monday, August 13 @ 5:30 PM
Performers and audience welcome! Read, act, sing.
Story Hour
Tuesday, August 14 @ 10 AM
Join us weekly for stories, finger plays, songs and learning centers for ages infant through preschool.
Watercolor Workshop
Wednesday, August 15 @ 10 AM
Learn the basic techniques of watercolor painting while creating a Monet landscape.
Materials will be provided.
Register at the library or by calling 502-624-1232.
Tinker Time
Thursday, August 16 @ 3 PM
Join us at the Barr Library MakerSpace for monthly STEM tinkering time with magnets, LEGO Bricks, gears and more. For ages 5+.
My MakerSpace Open Lab
Friday, August 18 @ 2 PM
Drop in to take advantage of our creation stations, tools, and technology.
Open to all ages!