Summer is heating up and we’re adding some “beach reads” to our Nook Colors. Look for the following titles when you check out one of our popular ebook readers:
Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy - E.L. James
Discovering the Cure for the Common Life - Max Lucado
Holy Bible for the Nook
What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast - Laura Vanderkam
A Month at the Shore - Antoinette Stockenberg
Beautiful Disaster - Jamie McGuire
Sand Castles - Antoinette Stockenberg
Charmed Place - Antoinette Stockenberg
Awakening (The Watchers Trilogy, Book 1) - Karice Bolton
Legions (The Watchers Trilogy, Book 2) - Karice Bolton
Cataclysm (The Watchers Trilogy, Book 3) - Karice Bolton
Reserve a Nook Color today!